Wirehive 100 double winners 2018
The Wirehive 100 Awards celebrate the best of digital in agencies based in the southern counties of England, outside London. This year’s ceremony turned the O2 Guildhall in Southampton into a swinging Speakeasy parlour. Being the creatives we are, we couldn’t resist a nod to the prohibition theme, with Melissa and Claire accessorising their outfits to suit.

Celebrating the big wins
After a stunning three course meal we were entertained by our host, funnyman and all-round good egg, Ed Byrne. His hilarious stand-up routine did sterling work warming up the crowd and soothing frayed nerves ahead of announcing the evening’s winners.
Winning both ‘Most Emotionally Engaging Content’ and ‘Agency Team of the Year’, Knauf’s ‘Are you missing something?’ campaign was a real double whammy.

‘Most Emotionally Engaging Content’ is particularly special for us as the award sponsor Lab, a human behaviour agency, used biometric testing hardware and software to measure people’s unconscious emotional response in an unbiased way. Knauf is a leading manufacturer of drywalling products and gypsum-based building materials. Perhaps it could be argued that if we can make building products emotionally engaging then nothing is beyond our team of the year!
Judges’ comments included:
“ifour challenged the industry standards with a bold proposition. It was a great looking project.”
“Refreshing work for a sector that always normally plays safe. The team did well.”
We are extremely proud to have won two awards at the event this year, it’s a significant pat on the back for the team as we enter our fourteenth year of operation.
For more information about this multiple award winning campaign please view our case study here. If you would like to talk to us about a business boosting campaign please do get in touch.